I make this recipe for the holidays. It is the only pie that is gone at the end of the night. I use high-quality chocolate chips; they are easier to melt....
Makes excellent banana, coconut, or chocolate cream pie. This was given to me by a friend many years ago. For banana slice a layer of bananas in pie pan...
Replacing the raw eggs in this recipe with pasteurized eggs or fat-free egg product eliminates food safety concerns and allows you to enjoy this Bake-Off®...
A quick pie with a layer of chocolate pudding atop a cream cheese layer and finished with a layer of whipped topping. Garnish with chocolate shavings if...
A yummy delight which has become a holiday tradition in our family as it will in yours! It is surprisingly easy to prepare! Rum may be omitted or substituted...
Made with instant vanilla pudding in a chocolate crust with crushed chocolate wafer cookies. For a special treat, drizzle the pie with chocolate syrup...
If you love chocolate and coconut, this is the only dessert for you! A rich and refreshing chocolate and coconut dream! Note: To toast coconut, spread...
Handed down from my great great grandmother who received it from her mother. She passed away at 92 years old, but not before giving me her best and oldest...
Your classic silky, chocolate pie-but with a delicious raspberry twist! Garnished with whipped topping, mint leaves, and fresh raspberries, this is a beautiful...
A fitting tribute for the 39th president of the U.S.A. This pie is larger than life, and is topped with the peanut farmer's favorite nut. Serves enough...
This refreshing cool treat is made lickety split! Using ready-made pie crust and instant pudding, plus a few extras, brings a delightful creamy dessert...
My favorite dessert recipe. Pulled original recipe from one of those homemade cookbooks put together by my company years ago. Don't remember the original...
This delicious refrigerator pie has lots of tasty layers. Cherry pie filling is spread in the bottom of a graham cracker crust. The next layer is a cream...
Creamy vanilla pudding, hearty graham crackers, and rich chocolate frosting make this THE MOST awesome dessert. I keep the recipe copied because everyone...
An easy, elegant, and deliciously creamy no-bake pie. It takes just minutes to assemble, but is an impressive addition to your holiday dessert lineup....
This recipe has a wonderful combination of a chocolate and peanut butter. It's simple and inexpensive. I make this pie for a restaurant owned by my mother,...
This is one of my family's favorite recipes. My boys call it 'Mom's Secret Chocolate Pie Recipe' and request it at every family gathering! I always make...